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Additional compensation for injured people in car accidents – Bulgaria

There are cases in which after the damaged person has received a compensation under the Motor third-party liability insurance for the physical damages he or she has suffered, his or her health condition worsens (for instance shortening of a limb or a limb amputation, joint change, infections or other complications that lead to new operations, spinal distortion, etc.). In such cases the question is whether the damaged person is entitled to an additional compensation under the liability insurance, especially when the compensation is paid under an out-of-court agreement with the Insurer or a court decision. It is adopted in the...

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Compensation for a person injured in a car accident in Bulgaria

With regard to receiving a compensation under the Third party liability insurance, a person who has been injured in a car accident in Bulgaria needs to be directed properly about the ways to raise a claim for compensation. In a number of cases, such person has to wait for years only because he was not rightly directed at the very beginning. In most cases with a person injured in a car accident in Bulgaria, criminal proceedings against the responsible driver are commenced. Very often, in the course of the proceedings, the damaged person raises a civil claim before the criminal...

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